Universal 4-9 Axes CNC-machines
are our specialty since 1968. Our well proven Xplot-3000
- a Stainless Steel Router and tangentially controlled Cutter Plotter serves the industry for more than six decades now. Many manufacturing processes like roadsign making , banknotes and postage stamps printing, as well as steel-rule die-making, depend on our ridgid machines, all this time.
for economical and well proven hardware, to be used with Open Source Applications which will boost your business!
Our standard Universal 4 to 9-axes Flat Bed machines are EMC2-compatible, range from X/Y/Z 80x60x15 cm up to X/Y/Z 38x12x12 meters net travel and are commonly used for government related businesses such as the Road Sig...
Media Trays
Vacuum Media Tray systems keep your media flat against the media tray while optional multi zoned heaters maintain an optimal media temperature of 40 Degrees C, independend of your shop/room temperature...
Personal Xplot-machine
has many proven features that made it the work horse in Sign Making, Road Sign, Civil Engineering, Screen Printing, Interior and Yacht Building Industry...
Case Modding
a 'show case' example of 3D CAD/CAM capabilities! Pro-Engineer, RhinoCAD, VariCAD or Inventor? Connected to our Personal Xplot-Machine they enable fast and reliable processing of new ideas to be presented, touched, phographed and even used in production within hours after the first draft...
Shows examples of unique Xplot-machines / turnkey systems. Not only commercial but also OpenSource and study projects are listed here...
Please note that all information and prices given are subject to changes and must be explicitly acknowledged by us by email or fax prior to any sale or other agreement. Some pages are for registered Xplot-users only and require a login name and password. Please mail us for assistance if required.
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